Advanced Renamer 4.10 / 3.95.4

Advanced Renamer is a batch file rename utility. It is a free program for renaming multiple files and folders at once. By configuring renaming methods the names can be manipulated in various ways. It is easy to set up an advanced batch job using multiple methods on a large amount of files.
The 12 different methods enables you to change the names, attributes, and timestamps of files in one go. The files can also be copied or moved to new locations based on information in the files.
With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name based on known information about the file.
Before performing the operations on the files you can verify that the output will be correct and if you perform the rename and regret it, you can undo the the complete batch.
Advanced Renamer features:
- Unicode support
- Preview new names in real time
- Tag based renaming
- Rename with MP3/ID3 information
- Use Regular expressions and Wildcards
- Image renaming with EXIF support
- Display thumbnails of images
- Rename with video tags
- Use GPS information from image files
- Use imported TV Show data when renaming
- Supports for both files and folders
- Undo previous batch
- Several renaming methods
- Use multiple methods at once
- Batch modes: Rename, copy, move
- Create custom methods with JavaScript
- Set file timestamps and file attributes
Renaming methods:
- New name with Tags
- Change case of filename
- Remove / Delete part of filename
- Remove pattern from filename
- Replace part of filename
- Add / Insert text into filename
- Move part of filename
- New names based on a list of names
- Change file attributes
- Change file timestamp
- Trim filenames
- Renumbering
- Swap
- Custom batch script
Advanced Renamer ChangeLog
Changes in Advanced Renamer 4.10 (2025-03-24):
- Always show all batch modes, but show an error if copy mode is chosen in folder mode
- When multiple methods of the same type is used, the title will show basic information about the method configuration
- Reorganized the settings window
- Remove method changed to support several remove types: Position, Pattern, Accents and special marks, Word characters, Non-word characters, Upper case, Lower case, Character list, and Numbers
- Various performance improvements
- Changed how method panels are rendered
- New layout for the timestamp method
Changes in Advanced Renamer 4.09 (2025-03-12):
- File sizes formatted in bytes was not displayed correctly for files larger than 2 GB
- Better support for GPS coordinates read from MP4 files
- Improved the programs ability to remember the last used folder in Folder Panel
- New case: Added Title case option as a new case type
- New case: Added support for inverting character case when using regular expressions
- New name method: Fixed adding tags with the tag links when the cursor position was at a multi byte character
- Fixed bug where would show the numeric day -1
- Changing the “Field for image date time operations” in Settings did nothing
- Slight change to layout of method header
- Setting to show list with stripes
- Fixed timezone issue when changing timestamps on Windows
- Changes to better support different default Windows text sizes
- Fixed an issue where metadata wouldn’t be extracted correctly from PDF files
- New method condition fields: “Path and name” and “New path and name”
- New method condition matches: “Length shorter than” and “Length longer than”
Homepage –
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11.
Size: 11.1 MB
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DOWNLOAD Advanced Renamer 4.10 Portable
DOWNLOAD Advanced Renamer 3.95.4 Setup
DOWNLOAD Advanced Renamer 3.95.4 Portable
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