Greenshot Unstable/ Stable

Greenshot is a free, light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows, optimized for productivity. It offers full screenshot, capture of region and window and supports multiple image formats.
Greenshot is designed to enable you to save a screenshot or a part of the screen to a file within a second, and additionally you have an option to apply text and shapes to the screenshot.
You can use the Greenshot’s image editor not only for screenshots. You can also open images for editing from a file or from clipboard.
Greenshot is easy to understand and configurable. Therefore it is an efficient tool for project managers, software developers, technical writers, testers and anyone else creating screenshots.
This application is published under GPL, i.e. you can download and use this software free of charge, even in a commercial environment.
Greenshot Key Features:
- Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or fullscreen. You can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet Explorer.
- Easily annotate, highlight or obfuscate parts of the screenshot.
- Export the screenshot in various ways. Save to file, send to printer, copy to clipboard, attach to e-mail, send Office programs. Moreover, you can upload to photo sites like Flickr or Picasa, and others.
- …and a lot more options simplyfying creation of and work with screenshots every day.
Greenshot is running as an own process in the background. To reach the application, you can right click the Greenshot icon in the notification area or directly take a screenshot by pressing one of the defined keys. Several editor windows can be open in parallel.
Greenshot comes with an easy-to-use image editor, providing a handy featureset to add annotations or shapes to a screenshot. It even allows to highlight or obfuscate parts of your screenshot.
Greenshot’s image editor may not only be used for screenshots. You can also open images for editing from a file or from clipboard. Simply right click the Greenshot icon in the notification area and select Open image from file or Open image from clipboard, respectively.
Changes in Greenshot 1.3 Unstable:
New features:
- The editor now has a zoom, completely build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
- Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called “MODI”. To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
- Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
- Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
- FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
- FEATURE-1125 Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow
- Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
- Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
- Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
- DPI improvements, so people can use Greenshot with high DPI screens.
- Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and reize with the DPI settings
- Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
- Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus e.g. PR #224, #230
- Added support to generate random characters in the filename PR #216
- Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
- 314 Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
- FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
- BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
- BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
- BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
- BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
- BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
- BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google – Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
- BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
- BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
- BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
- BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
- PR #157 — Fixing textbox issue with polish letter “a”
- Bug #124, some minor issues with the EmailDestination
- Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
- Bug #279 External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
- BUG-2565 Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.
- SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
- BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
- BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
- BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
- BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
- BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) – Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
- BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
- BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
- BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
- BUG-2435: Crash
- BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
- BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
- BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
- BUG-2552: Crashed when drawing new colored line after a ctrl+z undo.
- BUG-2557: sudden shut down due to error , Error
- BUG-2567: Automatic error, tells me to report a bug
- BUG-2577: Erreur inattendue
- BUG-2592: Crash when copying to clipboard
- BUG-2615: Greenshot crashed while changing line color
- BUG-2642: Greenshot Image Editor crashed when I clicked “undo”
- BUG-2654: GS crashing when logging off from a Windows account right after logging-on
- BUG-2669: Exception on startup of Greenshot
- BUG-2684: Freehand tool causes crash after color change & undo
- BUG-2698: Imgur: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
- BUG-2699: Crash on deleting a line path
- BUG-2700: Imgur: Continued Error
- BUG-2703: Crash dump: “Message: The notification platform is unavailable.”
- BUG-2707: Moving or editing object (usually cursor object) occasionally crashes Greenshot
- 246,BUG-2448, BUG-2593, BUG-2427, BUG-2444, BUG-2272: Inconsistent scale behavior when scaling objects with shift modifier
- 321: Fixed an issue with reloading the configuration
- 335: Fixed a crash when Ctrl + Delete was used in the editor. This key combinations replaces the background (capture) with transparency.
- 348: Added a workaround to the Windows 11 & Docker flashing desktop issue, hope Microsoft solves this.
- 320: Added a workaround for the Slack & window sharing breaking Greenshot issue, hope Slack solves this.
- Full Changelog: release/1.2.10…release/1.3
Changes in Greenshot
- BUG-2235 Imgur authentication issues due to imgur api change
- BUG-2227 NullReferenceException when accessing the Imgur History
- BUG-2225 NullReferenceException when changing the color of text
- BUG-2219 Korean is spelled incorrectly in the installer
- BUG-2213 NullReferenceException in the Freehand tool
- BUG-2203 ArgumentNullException in the Freehand tool
- BUG-2141 Imgur authentication issues due to old embedded IE
- BUG-2172 NullReferenceException when using the speech bubble
- BUG-2246 Login issues with the Atlassian Jira Cloud
- FEATURE-1064 Added CTRL+Backspace & CTRL+A to the text tool
Homepage –
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit, 64-bit).
- macOS 10.12 or later, 64-bit processor
Size: 3.92 MB
DOWNLOAD Greenshot Unstable [exe]
DOWNLOAD Greenshot Stable Installer [exe]
DOWNLOAD Greenshot Stable Portable [zip]
DOWNLOAD Greenshot for macOS [App Store]
DOWNLOAD Other versions and translations
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