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Image Commander 1.80 by Binerus

Image Commander 1.80 by Binerus
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Image Commander a full-featured app that allows you to add text or image watermark to any picture. Protect your copyrights with a copyright notice or your logo. Add text comments to any image. Create advanced thumbnails with cool styles and effects.

Prepare your image collections to be published on the web. Resize, crop and rotate thumbnails. Batch processing thousands of images.

Support for BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF and PSD image types. Image Commander can display EXIF, IPTC information and use it as watermarks.

Using Image Commander you can add text or a logo as a watermark to your images. You can change many watermark’s properties in WYSIWYG mode.

You can create advanced thumbnails with cool styles and effects like dropping shadow, bevel, glow and more.

Except the cropping window, everything fits inside a single window.

  • On the left we can see a list of all images
  • On the right we see the stack of styles applied to the current image.
  • On the center we can preview. We can set fit mode, drag or resize (mouse wheel) preview.

Changes in VERSION 1.80 (24 March 2010):

  • Added: Date and Time now get from Exif
  • Improved: Interface
  • Fixed: Few minor bugs

Homepage – https://www.binerus.com/imagecommander/

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 2000 and highest,
  • Mac OS X 10.4 and highest,
  • Linux

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