TurboCAD 2023

TurboCAD 2023 delivers affordable, professional CAD software for design, drafting, and detailing. An optional AutoCAD-like 2D drafting interface with command line and dynamic input cursor helps professionals already familiar with AutoCAD easily get up to speed.
Advanced technology – a powerful drafting palette, D-Cube constraints, and ACIS engine – enhance productivity. Advanced architectural and mechanical design tools add even greater flexibility and control, while superior rendering controls produce powerful presentations.
Plus TurboCAD Pro Platinum is programmable and supports over 40 file formats including .DWG, .DXF, .SKP, 3D .PDF, and .STL for 3D printing.
Multi-threading, a GPU-accelerated drawing engine, and hundreds of time-saving tools are just some of the ways TurboCAD speeds design, without sacrificing ease of use.
The new AutoCAD 2D workalike mode give you the flexibility to work in an environment similar to AutoCAD LT with dynamic input and command line.
TurboCAD Key Features and Benefits:
- Complete 2D/3D Design Tools for drafting, modeling, modifying, dimensioning and annotation.
- Easy to Learn and Use with set up wizards, context-sensitive help, snaps, alignment aids, and handle-based editing.
- Improved Conceptual Selector Tool and New Timestamp for greater usability.
- Design Director for object property management.
- Easy 2D Drafting and Editing including New Centerline and Center Mark Tools.
- Surface Modeling Tools like 2D/3D Booleans, extrude, revolve, sweeps, and more.
- Architectural Design Tools including an Improved House Builder Wizard.
- Photorealistic Rendering, materials, and lighting to create powerful presentations.
- 3D printing features with read/write of .STL files, surface simplification controls, and a 3D Print button for 3D Systems printers.
- Excellent File Sharing with AutoCAD .DWG and .DXF, SketchUp .SKP, .TAP files for mobile and more!
TurboCAD employs a large selection of 2-dimensional drafting tools, and 3-dimensional modeling tools, so no matter the situation, you’ve got the right tool for the job. Use in conjunction with snaps, modification tools, and drawing aids to quickly layout your ideas.
- Drafting Palette
- History Tree with Editor
- Advanced Layer Controls
- PDF Underlay
TurboCAD includes a robust collection of architectural drafting and design tools.
An extensive collection of ADA compatible architectural objects are supported by dynamic dimensions, terrain tools, and automated tools for laying out your building and creating schedules. Whether you’re an architect, builder, civil engineer, or novice home designer, this software has practical tools for all your architectural design needs.
- House Wizard
- 2D/3D Parametric Objects
- Self-Aligning Blocks
- Elevation/Sections
- Terrain Modeling
- Styles and Style Manager
TurboCAD gives the power to set up 2D parametric constraints
for greater control and productivity as you evaluate designer alternatives. 3D surface modeling and ACIS solid modeling tools makes the creation of realistic, complex 3D objects simple. And a parametric parts manager lets you create and consume parts that remain parametrically controlled even after insertion into your drawing. These and many more tools and technologies are ideal for both single part and assembly mechanical designs.
- D-Cubed Parametric Constraints
- Surface Modeling Tools
- ACIS Solid Modeling Tools
- Assembly Tools
- Parametric Parts Manager
What’s New in TurboCAD 2022:
- Toggle Selection Highlighting
- Undo Manager Palette
- Smart Dimension tool
- Slab Edge Styles Support
- TurboLux. Physical Based Renderer
- CREO 8, SolidWorks 2022, ParaSolid 34, SolidEdge 2022, NX 1980,CATIA v5-5
What’s New in TurboCAD 2019:
- NEW! Customizable Ribbon Interface. Users now have the ability to fully customize the Ribbon Interface. You can now Add and Rename Tools, Groups and Tabs. In addition, Tabs may be hidden or renamed, and manually created XML Config files can be directly imported into TurboCAD. UI Themes are also full supported in the Ribbon.
- NEW! 4K Monitor Support. With new, scaleable vector icons, TurboCAD is now fully optimized for 4K monitors. Through dynamic sliders, toolbar icons, the User Interface and other icons in other part of the UI can be resized to optimize readability on higher resolution displays.
- NEW! Named View Enhancements. New functionality has been added where users now have the option of associating Layer Sets with Named Views, giving users a much better way to manage Layers Sets.
- NEW! Construct Similar Tool. This tool which takes properties from a referenced object and applies these to the construction of the next object. This tool provides a fast and efficient method to assign object properties such as line fonts, dimension styles, and wall properties with a single click.
- NEW! PDF/Insert/Underlay. The PDF Underlay tool allows you to insert a page of a PDF file into your drawing to use as reference or tracing layer. To use properly as a tracing layer, the file must be a vector PDF, rather than a bit-mapped PDF. As a vector file, you will be able to snap to the endpoints and midpoints of lines in the PDF underlay. Underlays consist of two parts: the underlay style and the underlay insertion. An additional tool, “PDF Underlay to Objects” gives the ability to convert an Underlay into an editable object.
- NEW! Highlight End Points: A new Local Menu item has been added to the Edit tool which highlights the end points on non-closed objects with vertex counts of > 2. Supported Object Types include Polylines, 3D Polylines, Double Lines, Walls, Bezier and Spline Curve.
- NEW! Remove Overlapping Entities. The ‘Overkill’ tool removes overlapping lines, arcs, text and dimensions, thereby allowing you to simplify drawings by removing duplicate, redundant Entities. Event viewer shows the count of objects that were changed.
- NEW! Pick Point Hatch: Pick-Point-Hatch now works with gaps in 2D objects. For example, trying to fill an area bounded by a Polyline, when there are gaps in the Polyline. Improvements to pick-point also apply to ADT objects (Walls, Doors and Windows), allowing to similarly fill in gaps between these objects.
- NEW! Angular Dimension Tool: This Local Menu option allows the user to define an obtuse or acute angle dimension based upon the user selecting a vertex point on a 2D object and then defining 2 additional points which in turn define and display the dimensioned angle.
- NEW! AutoCAD 2019 Compatibility: TurboCAD 2019 now fully supports AutoCAD DWG, DXF and DWF file formats.
Homepage – https://www.turbocad.com
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 (32-bit, 64-bit)
- Macintosh OS X 10.11 – 11.01
Size: 1.71 GB
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