MP3 Quality Modifier 2.53

MP3 Quality Modifier is a straightforward program that is able to easily change the quality of your MP3′s. As a result, MP3 Quality Modifier will save disk space and/or to fit more music on your MP3 player while maintaining the desired level of audio quality and keeping all ID3 tags intact!
The program is pretty simple to use. The first step is to drag and drop MP3 files on the file list. MP1 and MP2 files are supported as well.
Various information such as the name, interpret, size and bitrate, the program will display automatically. The next step is to select a preset which ranges from high quality over portable and compromise to low quality.
More advanced users can choose from a variety of configurations such as bitrate mode and rate, sample frequency and the stereo modus.
The process itself takes only a few seconds per song and is even able to adapt the folder structure if that is wanted. Example: “Artist X” folder with “Album 1″ and “Album 2″ as subfolders.
Unlike other tools, all ID3 tags like the title, artist etc. are automatically retained, as well. Finally, MP3 Quality Modifier allows to compare the original and created music files by listing their size differences.
MP3 Quality Modifier Main Features:
- Change MP1, MP2 and MP3 quality with just a few mouse-clicks
- Really easy and intuitive user interface
- All ID3 tags are automatically retained
- Adapt folder structure
- Advanced options: Detailed bitrate settings, mark as copyrighted etc.
- Quality comparison between original and created files
- Multilingual: DE, EN, ES, ET, FR, IT, KO, PT, RU
- Portable: Just one executable, no need for installation
Changes in version 2.53 (2013-06-15):
- Added: Confirmation question for shutdown option at progress window
- Fixed: Some slightly corrupt or very small MP3 files weren’t handled properly (thanks Tom and Bodo!)
- Fixed: Better detection of processing problems
Changes in version 2.52 (2013-05-23):
- Changed: Many improvements for Serbian translation (thanks Nebojsa!)
- Changed: Internal improvementsFixed: Unexpected/misleading behavior of progress window’s abort, exit and shutdown feature (thanks Bodo!)
- Fixed: Visual progress bar on taskbar sometimes didn’t stop
Changes in version 2.51 (2013-01-11):
- Fixed: Wrong interpretation of some ID3v2.4 tags
- Fixed: Progress bar starts again after certain amount of processed data for very long audio files (thanks Bodo!)
Homepage –
Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit, 64-bit).
Size: 730 KB
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