DVDSubEdit 1.52

DVDSubEdit is a tool that allows you to edit DVD subtitles. It allows to visualize and make modifications to the subpics (subtitles or button highlights in menus) directly inside the VOB files, without the need to demux and remux the subpic stream.
The application works with vob files or sup files (created for example by PgcDemux, or VobEdit). And it does not require any demuxing/remuxing (it works directly inside the VOB files, and processing is quasi instantaneous).
DVDSubEdit lets you change the transparency and the color of each subtitle, or hide them entirely.
The program also allows you to resynchronize your subtitles with your video, by changing the start time and the duration.
It allows you to reposition your subtitles exactly where you want them, horizontally or vertically, for all display modes (4:3, widescreen, letterboxed, pan and scan).
DVDSubEdit can run an OCR (optical character recognition) algorithm on your subtitles, so you can search them, modify them and export them as .srt.
Furthermore, the program allows you to remove annoying parts in your subtitles (for example, text intended for hearing-impaired persons). You can also selectively remove typos in the subtitles, all this without re-authoring!
DVDSubEdit saves your changes directly inside the vob files (which is very quick), and also lets you export your subs to .sup and .srt format. You can also save individual subs as ppm.
Changes in version 1.52 (09/2011):
- Added code to save selected subpics as bitmap (code written by Uwe Kotyczka, thanks dude!).
- Added preference for drop-frame and non-drop-frame time display / saving.
- Fixed bug that caused “AutoClut” to be selected when sup files were opened even if the IFO was supplied.
Homepage – https://www.videohelp.com/~DVDSubEdit
Size: 809 KB
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