Perfect Keylogger 2021 1.98 by Blazingtools Software

Perfect Keylogger is a new generation keylogger which is absolutely undetectable. Complex internal mechanisms are hidden from the user behind the friendly interface. It lets you record all keystrokes, the time they were made and the application where they were entered.
Perfect Keylogger works in the absolutely stealth mode. It means that no button or icon is present in the Task Bar, and no process title is visible in the Task Manager list. Also, Perfect Keylogger can carry out visual surveillance. It periodically makes screenshots in invisible mode and stores the compressed images on the disk so you can review them later.
Perfect Keylogger has unique remote installation feature. You can attach keylogger to any other program and send it by e-mail to install on the remote PC in the stealth mode. Then it will send keystrokes, screenshots and websites visited to you by e-mail or FTP.
You don’t have to worry about the firewall alerts – now our keylogger can be invisible for the firewall program. Perfect Keylogger supports remote installation, update and removal – no physical access required!
The Smart Rename feature lets you to rename all keylogger’s executable files and registry entries using one keyword! One of the most powerful features of Perfect Keylogger is its advanced Keyword Detection and Notification. Create a list of “on alert” words or phrases and keylogger will continually monitor keyboard typing, URLs and web pages for these words or phrases.
Perfect Keylogger Full Version Remote Edition Features:
- Has an intuitive interface and very easy to use, even for beginners
- Absolutely invisible mode
- Remote Installation / Update / Uninstallation
- Logs texts and passwords typed in the every application, including popular instant messengers
- Supports virtually all input languages (Unicode engine), including Japanese, Arabian, Thai, Chinese!
- Visual surveillance (screenshots)
- Slideshow for screenshots
- Captures the passwords behind the asterisks, button clicks and screen information on every mouse click
- Logs websites visited
- Captures Skype, MSN/Live, AIM, Yahoo and others
- Detection and notification of the custom keywords (alerts)
- Records contents of password protected web pages, including Web Mail messages (using our additional software)
- Monitors Windows Clipboard
- Sends text logs by e-mail (in the stealth mode)
- Sends screenshots by e-mail (in the stealth mode)
- Uploads ALL logs to separate folders by FTP (in the stealth mode)!
- Optional ZIP compression and password protection of the log files before transferring by email or FTP
- Automated renaming of the keylogger’s files and registry entries
- Monitors computer activity only when user goes online (option)
- Invisible in Windows startup list
- Monitors all users of the PC, even if you don’t know their passwords
- User friendly HTML file format for emailed logs
- Invisible in Windows Task Manager
- “Quick Install” – configure keylogger on your PC, then just run it on another PC to install
- Intercepts DOS-box and Java-chat keystrokes
- Instant install from a memory card or a flash drive
- Supports international keyboards
- External log viewer
- Supports for printing of the log
- Strong encryption of the log file
- Records keystrokes in the specified applications
- Saves log files to HTML
Homepage –
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 (32-bit, 64-bit).
Size: 11.7 MB
DOWNLOAD Perfect Keylogger Trial
Password: blazing8
To avoid any potential conflicts with security software, it’s recommended to install with antivirus and/or Windows Defender disabled.
Then add keylogger’s folder to Exclusions list of your security tools.
BUY NOW Blazingtools Perfect Keylogger
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