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R-Wipe & Clean 20.0 Build 2495 by RTT

R-Wipe & Clean 20.0 Build 2495 by RTT
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R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your online and offline activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, swap files, recently opened documents list, Explorer MRUs, temporary files, etc..

R-Wipe & Clean removes the traces from more than 300 third-party applications, and free up your disk space. It wipes files and unused disk space using either fast or secure erase algorithms. All files and folders may be combined in wipe lists to erase them in a single procedure.

R-Wipe & Clean wipes all files to ensure their total unrecoverable elimination. Supports both the FAT and NTFS file systems. You can combine separate wiping and cleaning tasks and launch them to begin erasing immediately or set them to begin erasing procedures as a background task at predefined times or events.

A new graphical interface designed for devices with touch screens with various resolutions: tablets, laptops with touch screens, etc.. In addition to its modern look, Touch Interface is adapted to the way the users control their touch screen devices: by swiping and tapping. It provides access to all controls and settings of R-Wipe & Clean. So users with non-touch screen devices may use it too, to enjoy its original stylish appearance.

R-Wipe & Clean Totaly Cleans Computer:

  • Traces Selection helper: a tool to quickly select some of the most common traces to clean.
  • Cleaning Internet activity: traces from most contemporary browsers and communication programs.
  • Removing personal traces: various lists, logs, caches, temporary files, and other traces of your activity.
  • Cleaning system traces: removing registry traces, temp files, system history, and various log files.
  • Removing traces from various third-party programs: various caches, logs, temporary files, recent file lists, and other traces left by applications.
  • Cleaning can be performed as a background task and computer can be turn off upon its completion.


  • Wiping files’ alternate data streams and cluster “tips”, or free parts of file clusters.
  • Files directly from File Explorer.
  • Free space on a single disk directly from its shortcut menu.
  • Unused space of several disks through one single wipe task.
  • Records of small files stored directly in the NTFS Master File Table.
  • Support for SSD devices: correctly recognizes SSD devices and by default wipes only necessary data on the disk preventing them from additional wear.
  • Strong or fast erase algorithms, including DoD-approved, for wiping files and free disk space.
  • Support for FAT/exFAT and NTFS file systems.
  • Predefined wipe lists of files, folders, and Registry keys to be wiped through a single task.
  • Allows to add the files or folders to a current wipe list directly from File Explorer.

R-Wipe & Clean Advanced Features:

  • Detailed representation of all trace items on your computer.
  • Detailed logging of all wipe and clean operations.
  • Customization: R-Wipe & Clean can hide those items you will never want to clean.
  • Full system integration: Most wipe and clean operations can be performed directly from Windows.
  • Password protection.
  • R-Wipe & Clean Smart: an advanced tool to create and manage very complex wipe lists.
  • Allows to start the Cleaning and Wiping task from a command line.
  • Boss Key to close a web-browser in emergency.
  • Stealth mode to hide computer cleaning.
  • Standby/hibernate control: Your computer will not hibernate until R-Wipe & Clean finishes its long job.
  • Startup Renaming for files/folders locked by Windows and other programs. Renames and cleans during the next start-up.

Additional Features:

  • Touch interface: A new graphical interface designed for devices with touch screens: tablets, laptops with touch screens, etc.. Users with non-touch screen devices may use it too, to enjoy its original stylish appearance.
  • Traces Selection helper: a tool to quickly select some of the most common traces to clean.
  • Support for SSD devices: the program correctly recognizes SSD devices and treats them accordingly to avoid their additional wear and tear.
  • R-Wipe & Clean Smart: an advanced tool to create and manage very complex wipe lists.
  • R-Wipe & Clean Lite: a free version that cleans most essential computer traces.

New R-Wipe & Clean features in version 20.0:

  • Completely redesigned Classic interface.
  • Touch interface for devices with touch screens.
  • Traces Selection helper for the most common traces.
  • Support for SSD devices.
  • R-Wipe & Clean Smart for complex wipe lists.
  • Free R-Wipe & Clean Lite.
  • New items to clean.

Homepage – https://www.r-wipe.com

  • An Intel-compatible platform running Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11
  • Windows Server 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2/2016/2019.
  • The administrative privileges are required during installation to install Windows Explorer shell extensions.

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